Welcome to CNC Clipart!

We provide the global community of Makers with access to high-quality, CNC-machinable artwork to incorporate into their products and projects!

CNC Clipart is the new name and face of VectorClip3D – a long-standing marketplace for 3D Relief Models and CNC Machinable artwork, designed to help Makers and small businesses create fantastic products for their customers. 

We've got a long history of helping makers create better products...

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VectorClip3D is Launched
VectorClip3D is launched, by Norbert Dupuis in Canada. A site designing and selling one off relief models specifically for the ArtCAM suite of CNC software.
Deer on a lake relief model
New File Types Added
The site expands its catalogue and offers new files types to support, Type3 and STL.
New Artists Join The Site
Vectorclip adds new artists work into the mix and offers custom work.
Now Available on Subscription
The VectorClip3D portfolio adds subscription packages for it's customers.
VectorClip3D - 10th Anniversary
Vetorclip 3D celebrate it's 10th birthday.
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VectorClip3D Partner with Carveco
A partnership begins to look at new ways to expand the VectorClip3D's portfolio in the CNC market.
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CNC Clipart is Launched
CNC Clipart is launched by Carveco.

A Message From Norbert

“It is with great pleasure that I announce to all of you that from 2020 the Vectorclip3d portfolio will be managed by the great team of Carveco.

After more than fourteen years managing and designing models on VectorClip3D, the time has come for me to take a little rest and having reached retirement age, I’ve decided to concentrate on making wonderful models for the site and step away from the other side.

I am very happy that the Carveco team has agreed to take over the VectorClip3D sequel, as this is where it all started 14 years ago, and I’m convinced that the Carveco team will bring Vectorclip3d portfolio to a new summit.”

Norbert Dupuis
Founder, VectorClip3D

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